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    TopAir Systems to Participate in ArabLab 2015

    TopAir Systems to Participate in ArabLab 2015
    February 5, 2015

    arablabTopAir will take part in ARABLAB 2015, taking place at Dubai international exhibition centre, March 23-26 2015, Booth 610A. ARABLAB 2015 features 11056 visitors from 101 countries, and 912 exhibitors doing global and regional business.

    TopAir will exhibit a variety of products and models at the show, including: Ductless fume hoods, fume cupboards, PCR cabinets, biosafety cabinets, laminar clean benches, forensic solutions and lab storage cabinets.

    ARABLAB is the only trade show for the Analytical Industry that reaches buyers from the growth markets such as the Middle East & Africa and the Indian Sub-Continent as well as China & Asia.

    ARABLAB is the global buying source for tomorrow’s decision reaching technology makers & end-users, as well as being a truly unique research source.

    ARABLAB is the largest technology show serving the Middle East & Africa, and it is the number one technology showpiece for the Indian Sub-Continent.

    ARABLAB is the shop window for buyers from China & Asia. A dynamic sales platform to global markets as 60% of business generated at the show is sourced from outside the Arab world.

    ARABLAB connects people from all over the world and showcases the very latest laboratory and instrumentation equipment from all the leading manufacturers in the world.

    ARABLAB is the world’s leading buying and information source for the very latest technology, covering all these fields.

    For more information on TopAir, visit

    For more information on ARABLAB visit

    Read more:  Fume Hood, Vav System, Cyanoacrylate Fuming